Wales Local Doughnuts Workshop Series

Empowering communities to plan and take action on climate change and social issues at a local level

People and organisations across Wales are faced with a big question:  How can we inspire the urgent and collective action we need, right now, to address the major challenges of our time?

Wellbeing Economy Wales and Oxfam Cymru have come together to find answers to this question.  We are co hosting a series of workshops to help communities across Wales develop their own priorities, plans and actions, and we are inviting an initial cohort of participants to join this Wales-wide learning journey.

We held an initial discussion for all those who want to find out more and help shape this series, on Thursday 13th January 2022 – and you can catch up by watching the recording here.

Click to view the event recording


Local Authorities
Do you want to involve residents in the process of planning, prioritising and leading change on the issues that matter to them?  These workshops will share insights and tools for hosting community conversations that lead to collective action.

Community Activists
Are you ready to bring your community together to take action on climate change and social issues, but want help to get started?  This group will give you the confidence, tools and resources to start a community movement where you live.

Community Organisations
Are you looking for ways to involve more local people in projects to create change in your area?  Whether you are a community council, a local community group, or an established charity, these workshops will support you to inspire action in your communities.


The Wales Local Doughnuts Workshop Series aims to empower participants to begin engaging local communities in the co-production of place plans, climate emergency action plans, and community wellbeing plans.  

The best-selling book, Doughnut Economics, by Kate Raworth, has inspired a movement of people and places across the UK and beyond, seeking to apply the principles of the doughnut to inform and inspire change.  The doughnut is a useful framework for community conversations, providing a way to visualise and talk about the ecological ceiling and the social foundation in a place-specific context.

Here in Wales, we want to marry the concept of the doughnut with the seven wellbeing goals laid down by the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, and co-create a set of tools and resources that leverage the experience and diversity of communities and practitioners across Wales.  We’re calling it “Doughnuts with a Welsh Flavour”!


The Wales Local Doughnuts Workshop Series is intended to be a learning journey for all those interested in these concepts and committed to radical collaboration and community involvement.  The workshops will be a mix of expert insight, conversation, and sharing of experiences, among people, groups and organisations who are experimenting with “doing the doughnut” at a community, local or organisational level. 

Tell us what you’re up to, what’s working, what’s not – or what you need help with.  

Let’s support each other as we learn, and together develop the tools and resources that will empower all communities across Wales to collaborate, take action and build resilience.  

We invite you and your colleagues to register with us to be part of this exciting initiative.

Share our 2-pager with your group to get everyone on board!

Sign up to join the learning journey at


November 2021 Event Recording
Kate Raworth, Katherine Trebeck & Sophie Howe – September 2021