UK democracy is in a terrible state, and many are questioning whether another future might be possible here in Wales.  So this month we are opening up a discussion about the future of Welsh demoncracy, and how it could be revitalised to better enable planetary and population wellbeing.

What would it take to revitalise the democratic system, to restore faith in democracy, or to transform how we make collective decisions, to better empower us all in the creation of a wellbeing economy – where the wellbeing of people and planet drives the direction of policy.

Wellbeing Economy Wales believes relocalisation is a key success factor for a wellbeing economy, and we wonder how this principle might apply to democracy, decision making and policy development. 

We have a few speakers lined up to provide “provocation” for discussion:

Nia Thomas, from the Electoral Reform Society
Stuart McMillan, speaking on behalf of Make Votes Matter
Vicky Moller, Grwp Resilience Pembs, on Deliberative Democracy

Please join us for an open, participatory conversation (or come along and listen!) via Zoom, on Thursday 10th November from 7pm.

We warmly encourage you to share this invitation with colleagues and friends who may be interested, curious or passionate about the future of democracy in Wales and prospects for growing a wellbeing economy.